This posting is about EDA personal project during ASAC academy class.
I analyzed part time job review in Korea.
Title : Analysis the part time job review and Visualization
- The analysis was focused on convenience stores, high price cafe, low price cafe, spa clothes brand and movie theater.
Background and Purpose
In my experience, I felt hard to work in some kind of area. So I wanted to get a suitable job for me using specific information.
From analyzing review data, check the difference point by industry, check what is the best option to work for me, and notice specific information after visualization.
Data Explain
Target :
- convenience store, high price cafe, low price cafe, spa clothes brand and movie theater which brand is located in Korea.
Total number of data :
convenience : 3877
high price cafe : 1277
low price cafe : 383
spa clothes brand : 413
movie theater : 906
I used crawling the site named Albamon.
The length of employment was created as a derived variable, and some variables were made into dummy variables.
The rate to recommend by industry
In the most of industry review, they answered in the following order “find to work” - “recommend” - “not recommend”, but in the spa clothes brand review, the rate of “not recommend” is more higher than “recommend”, and in the movie theater review, the rate of “recommend” is 36.54%, it is the best of score to recommend.
So I decided to conduct a hypothesis test to determine whether there are differences between reviews by industry.
Number of positive and negative evaluations according to length of employment
Most people seem to work for between 3~6 months.
But the people who worked for between 3~4 months seem to evaluated more positive in the review.
So I’ll check the correlation between the positive evaluations and work duration.
Check the option choice rate according the questions
- I can’t get special insight in here so I’ll do association analysis.
Ratio of choice
For example, The more free the atmosphere, the higher the positivity rate, but the less holiday pay there was, the lower the positivity rate.
So I’ll do regression analysis about choice.
Hypothesis testing & Correlation score
From kai-square testing, I checked that the number of recommendation has same distribution by industry.
p- value is lower than alpha score, so I accept “the distribution is different between the industry”
Even though it does not satisfy the regularity, I check the correlation score.
Within 120days then it has correlation, but all duration has no correlation.
Association rule and visualization
In the convenience review, if the boss consider the employee’s schedule and make the free atmosphere then employee choice the option “felt respected”
In the cafe review, when the boss is kind and colleagues are sincere, they choose the positive review.
In the spa clothes brand, if someone help them in hard working, then they choose the positive options.
In the movie theater, if manager too much consider and colleague is often changed then they choose the option “not good customer”
Regression analysis
I checked what is the best options effect to positive recommendation.
As the results
in the convenience, exact pay date and feeling respected is important.
in the high cafe, good working environment and happy atmosphere is important.
in the low cafe, feeling respected from boss and kind boss is important.
in the spa clothes brand, easy to work and feeling respected from manager is important
in the movie theater, good working environment and happy atmosphere is important.
Result and Idea
When you want to get a part time job, then consider 4 point : people, additional work, size of working environment, and welfare. Depends on these options, you can choose the industry.
If you are boss or manager,
the convenience : focus on respect the personal schedule instead of colleague
the cafe : working is easy, so don’t worry about that, but train your employees to be kind to each other.
the spa clothes brand : working is hard, make the team work to help each others.
the movie theater : protect the employer from not good customer.
It is practice for EDA, so the content is still lacking. Thank you a lot to read my posting.